Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Top Five Uses For Allspice Essential Oil

Allspice is one of my favorite essential oils to diffuse during this time of year.  It makes me feel so warm and cozy.  Don’t let the name fool you, this is not a synergy of all spices, but a single essential oil.  The aroma is reminiscent of clove, cinnamon, and nutmeg.  In its spice form it is often used in Jamaican cuisine, bringing a unique kick to their dishes.  Have you ever tried Caribbean jerk seasoned chicken?  Allspice is a main ingredient! 
Allspice is an unripe berry that grows in a tropical environment on an evergreen tree that grows to about 30 feet.  They are dark green (when unripe and harvested) and about the size of peas.  During the spring and summer the tree is covered in little white flowers, subsequently clusters of berries appear in the fall and are harvested shortly thereafter.  The berries are then steam distilled to get the essential oil. 
My current batch of Allspice (confirmed by GC/MS reports) contains a whopping 47.1% Eugenol making this a fabulous essential oil choice for many things.  My top five uses are;
·     1. Increase circulation
1 ounce carrier oil, 2 drops Allspice, 2 drops Lemongrass, and 8 drops Rosemary
·     2. Ease ease an upset stomach
1 ounce carrier oil, 2 drops Allspice, 6 drops Ginger, 6 drops Cardamom
·      3. Encourage both physical and mental relaxation
Diffuse 2 drops Allspice, 3 drops Sandalwood, 3 drops Spiced Orange
·      4. Soothe tight muscles, sore joints, and bruised bones
1 ounce carrier oil, 2 drops Allspice, 6 drops Frankincense Carteri, 6 drops Blue Cypress
·      5. Immune Boosting 
Diffuse 2 drops Allspice, 2 drops Cinnamon Leaf, 4 drops Sweet Orange

Allspice is a ‘hot’ oil, you’ll want to be sure to have a maximum dilution of 0.3% when using it topically.  It can also be a mucous membrane irritant so it’s best diffused in small amounts.  It may inhibit blood clotting so avoid using if you’re on blood thinning medications or have a bleeding disorder. 

What are your most used essential oils this time of year?


Health Benefits Times. Health benefits of Allspice Essential Oil. n.d. 1 12 2016. .
Herb Wisdom. Allspice (Pimenta Dioica). n.d. 1 12 2016. .

Tisserand Young. Essential Oil Safety. Edinburgh: Elsevier, n.d.

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